Tuesday, June 26, 2007


BARBIE said...

Nadl said : "are u goin to post latest wimby pics aswell?"

Nadl, I will surely post them but not now, after some time

Because, everyone remembers the latest pics quite well but not the ones taken quite a while ago

I hope you understand what I wanted to say *smiles*

And if you or someone else want to see the new pics, feel free to say that, then I will surely post new pics as well *grins*

Nadl said...

aww i love momo with wet hairs :p

Bumsby said...

awww Barbie you have so much talent for supplying pictures off season... you were just born to do your job :D

Spank said...

Barbie don't let anyone pressurise you into doing things ;)
It is your blog.

BARBIE said...

Thanks Bumsby *smiles*

Thanks Spank, I will remember it *grins*

Nadl, I too like Amelie with wet hair *evil grin*